Friday 25 April 2014


Today is a mere 72% humidity but last week I went past the meteorological centre and saw it was 87%. It was like being buried alive in thick air and certainly wasn't the best day to be playing frisbee.

Thursday 24 April 2014

The Barefoot mice

For some reason these mice (sold at the very popular household shop and cafe, Barefoot) seem to have a hypnotic pull, engendering the unqualified maternal affection of any women past fifty. It is quite spooky.

Saturday 12 April 2014

You serve?

I'm sat in a tuk tuk, taking advantage of the chance to read. As the traffic comes to a standstill at a juncture a man in a sarong approaches the vehicle and says 'roi navee' - I take this to be Singhalese and don't look up from my book. He repeats it and draws closer, making it clear from his stoop and bent that he is speaking to me. I look a little closer to weigh up his mental state.
He tries a third time, 'Royal Navy? You serve?'
He almost recoils. Backs off and the traffic unloosens itself with a guff of petrol fumes and we pull away.
I am dressed in a turquoise t-shirt and brown shorts. Not very naval to my knowledge. My doppelganger is afoot once more.